Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Permanent Mailing Address

Thank you everyone back home for the old fashioned letters and thoughtful care packages. They really mean a lot to me and always make my week. I recently figured out my permanent mailing address from here on out. You can now send all of your generous care-packages and letters to:

Allison Feuerstein
Apartado Postal #18
Somoto, Nicaragua, Centro América

My former mailing address is also still good. I just will not be able to check it as often, as it is in Managua and therefore a 5 hour trip away. Keep the love coming! I´ll write you back :)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Swearing In and Starting Over

Group shot of Nica 61 with Country Directors and Volunteer Greeters
Last week already seems like so long ago; I spent most of the week in Managua with the rest of my training group. We had various training sessions, our Swearing-In Ceremony, and a day off on Saturday. The Swearing-In Ceremony was very official; there were speeches from the acting US ambassador, PC Country Director, and representatives from the Nicaraguan Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health.