Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mixed Feelings

Yesterday I attended the closing ceremony for “Buena salud para todos,” a large multi-faceted public health project. It was a project completed by several different organizations, including NGOs and governmental organizations. “Buena salud para todos”…. Aka “good health for all,” lived up to its name with a wide scope, and an education centered approach community health improvement.

Friday, October 11, 2013

It's a Small World After All

There is a small group of Peace Corps Nicaragua health volunteers that are spearheading a nation-wide study on Coffee-Cutters as a migrant worker population, and their knowledge and behaviors related to HIV. I am lucky enough to live in northern Nicaragua… aka coffee country. So I volunteered to help with the study in any way that I could, knowing my location was an asset. My first task was this week. I had to figure out where the big coffee farms were in San Juan del Rio Coco, another municipality in Madriz.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Balancing Work and Life

Here in Nicaragua, the general consensus is that work is important so that one can live and enjoy life. On the contrary, the generalization made about the United States is that we live to work. In other words, work to live versus live to work.